About BNI
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Our Philosophy
The philosophy of this organization is built upon the idea of “Givers Gain®”.
“Givers Gain® is a philosophy based on the law of reciprocity. In the context of networking groups, people who adopt this philosophy dedicate themselves to giving business to their fellow networkers rather than making their foremost concern getting business for themselves. In doing so, other people naturally become eager to repay their kindness by sending them business in return. Givers Gain is a great way to live life in general and it is a standard which we can all apply to ourselves—key word being “ourselves”; it is not a sword to be pointed at others who may not adopt the philosophy.” – Ivan Misner
About BNI
We are the world’s leading business referral organization with over 288,188 Members in over 10,695 BNI Chapters worldwide. In 2021 alone, BNI Members shared over 12.4 million valuable new client referrals and generated over $18.6B (USD) in revenue.
Many BNI Chapters are currently meeting using BNI Online®, a powerful and convenient platform that enables Members to continue sharing new client referrals. BNI Members are actively supported by regional, national, and global BNI staff that provide the training, structure and the technology needed for the continued success of BNI Members.
Our Mission
The mission of BNI is to help members increase their business through a structured, positive, and professional “word-of-mouth” program that enables them to develop long-term, meaningful relationships with quality business professionals.
BNI De Redin Malta
Be our guest. Register today.
When in person meetings are not possible, BNI Online® is a fantastic online meeting platform. It’s a simple and effective way to build and stay connected to your network from the comfort of your home or office. All it takes is a couple of mouse clicks.
1 - Register
2 - What to Expect
Visitors like you attend Chapter meetings all the time. Members are excited to meet you and make every effort to make the experience fun and productive for you. There is a proven agenda used worldwide to make the most of your time.
3- Proven Agenda
During the meeting, you’ll have a few seconds to share your name, your business, and how you help your clients. It’s that easy and is only a few mouse clicks away.
4 - Relationships and Referrals
You will see networking in action. Members will be building relationship and sharing referrals to help each other grow their businesses.