Sidroc Services is a family run Business. We specialize in promoting, distributing and servicing Medical Equipment and Health products within the medical sector on the Maltese Islands. As a company, Sidroc Services Ltd. considers the commitment towards providing excellent service and quality products to our customers of utmost importance.
Since its inception, the Medical Care Department of Sidroc Services Ltd. has evolved and thrived. The services offered by the Medical Care Department of Sidroc Services Ltd. nowadays includes but is not limited to: the provision of over-the-counter products, the supply of hospital equipment, the supply of Home Medical equipment, as well as the service of leasing medical equipment. Through supplying innovative healthcare products, our goal is to help people of all ages live independently, with dignity and pride, and when possible in their own homes.
Furthermore, Sidroc Services Ltd. is proud to count amongst its customers the major contenders within the Maltese Healthcare industry, namely: Mater Dei Hospital, (which is the National Hospital of Malta and Gozo), Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre, Saint Vincent De Paul Residence; Saint James Hospital Group; Gozo General Hospital; and Other Private Care Homes and Clinics
Sidroc Services Ltd. represents several highly renowned International brands, some of which are: Biosense Webster, Cordis, Enraf Nonius, Funke Medical, Nausicaa Medical, Philips Respironics, Silentia AB, Sissel, Talley Group Ltd, and Vermeiren International.
Regular training, in Malta and overseas of the company’s professionals and employees, as well as, frequent visits overseas to major relevant events, such the yearly ‘ERS – International Congress’ organized by the European Respiratory Society, and the yearly ‘EuroPCR’ world-leading course in Interventional Cardiovascular Medicine in Paris, help the company secure knowledge of new products and new techniques thereby keeping Sidroc Services employees up to date with the latest developments in the Health industry. Innovative products, equipment and services, professional and specialist training, direct promotion, distribution and the round-the-clock top-notch support offered to the customers, have helped Sidroc Services Ltd. reach and maintain its position as one of the top in the Health Care industry.
Your Health, We Care. Hence the Motto Passion for Health